lunes, 5 de abril de 2021

April,15. Starting a blog to practice my writing

Hello, my name is Isak, I am thwenty five years old, I am a master's student. Today,I woke up early, in this moment is 7:00 o'clock, and I don't know what happen with me, but I want to star this blog for practice my writting. I had a strange dream, I dreamt that I taught my cousins verb tenses in English. However I think that this dream is my obsession for learn English, really is difficult for me, and also I feel that I am not progressing. So, I have been feeling bad. But, really I want to learn English well, because I have a lot obtetives that I want to complete. So, I hope to continue writing this blog and finally to be better day and day. I will know English well in December o January for application. For today is it all.

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